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The next dialog will again prompt you for the end user agreement. Select the option "I Accept" and then "Install" to continue. The installation begins and runs for about 2 minutes or so and ends with this dialog. At that point you click "Finish" and the installation is complete. There will be one more dialog which will give you the option of exploring the Professional version. Selecting "No Thanks" will take you to the activation screen. There is no serial required, but you'll have to fill out the dialog entirely and select "Activate." PLEASE NOTE: You will receive an email in your inbox where you will need to click on a hyperlink to complete the activation. The latest build can be downloaded at the following location: In this section, we will cover the download and installation of the free version of eDrawings, which is eDrawings Viewer. The next page asks which download you want, and for this example we will select the first option: Scroll down a bit lower on the page and you will find the download link. Here you will check "I confirm," select "Accept Agreement & Continue," and then "Run." SOLIDWORKS will ask you to meet the export eligibility requirements and accept the license terms. If you get the User Account Control message, just select YES to continue. The eDrawings Viewer does not require a license key, so you will just leave that field blank. Once your installation is complete, select which options you desire and click "Finish." For more information on those features, please click here: At that point, the installation can complete except the features available for eDrawings Professional will just be disabled. We hope this series has given you an insight on how to successfully install DraftSight and eDrawings 2016.

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